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Play It With Your Wii

Hepi Tour

How Play It With Your Wii

Stretch if you plan to play a physically active game. You don't want to hurt yourself. It is easier on your body if you take slow stretches, extending your muscles with a smooth motion. Don't bounce or try to stretch too quickly.

Find an audience. Have your friends over to join in the fun. It's not as much fun without some others around.

Select a game, load it, and power on your Wii.

Test your Wii's response with slow and gentle movements of the controller.

Read the game's directions. Learn basic operations within the game. Play around with it and have fun.

Gradually raise the intensity of your game play. Learn all of a game's moves and practice before worrying about your performance.

Videotape you and your friends' game play to edit and post online.

Play Gamecube games.